Our social investment efforts are fuelled by our drive for impact and the belief that real success is success that is collectively owned. Modi is actively involved in a variety of initiatives the end goal of which is to positively and sustainably impact communities.
Techno-girls - A Department of Women programme, Techno-girls aims to expose girls to the work environment during vocational breaks so as to facilitate better career decisions. Modi adopts a certain number of girls for a period of 3 years, Grade 9 – Grade 11. Our intent is to sponsor their tertiary education and ultimately absorb them into our employ on completion.
Black Umbrellas - We contribute in the funding of SMME development. Our interest stems from having undergone the programme ourselves and having benefitted immensely from it. What better way to express our gratitude than paying it forward to emerging businesses. Modi is making contributions for a period of 3 years, 2018 - 2020.
Adopt a School Project - We identify a school that we believe needs us most and support them with funding.
Isago Foundation - This NPO empowers Women and Youth and our organisation provides financial support.
Vuyo Mere Foundation - We provide various forms of support for this NPO’s soccer clinics and tournaments.
Jessica Motene - This NPO facilitates Depression Awareness campaigns and provides sanitary wear within identified communities. Modi provides financial support.
Nelson Mandela Day - Like most inspired global citizens, our people participate in various impact activities on Nelson Mandela Day annually.